Gun Start: 12:24AM
Cut-Off Time: 8 Hours
Start SM Seaside straight towards Plaza Independencia left into MC Briones St., right into D. Jakosalem St., left into Osmena Blvd., Right into Escario St., left into Gorordo Ave., then to Salinas Drive.
Turnaround Salinas Drive back to Escario St., straight into R. Duterte St., Left in to V. Rama Ave. up to corner J. Alcantara St.
Turnaround back to Osmena Blvd., then Cebu South Coastal Road (CSCR).
Turnaround Cebu South Coastal Road (CSCR) to proceed to CCLEX Bridge up to CCLEX corner MCR.
From CCLEX Bridge back to Finish Line.